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To use either anonymous or developer CVS, you will need a copy of CVS from GeekGadgets. [ppc] [x86]

You can also browse the CVS tree in your web browser. However, I highly recommend using standard CVS.

If you wish to use developer CVS (you can commit files), you must join the project and download a copy of ssh (port by Andreas Bobak, x86 version published by Jamie Wilkinson). [ppc] [x86]
And now, the instructions...

For anonymous access:

    1. Install CVS (copy the binary to /boot/home/config/bin)
    2. Open a terminal.
    3. Enter the following lines:
      export CVSROOT=:pserver:anonymous@cvs.beospppoe.sourceforge.net:/cvsroot/beospppoe
      cvs co modulename  Press enter when it asks for a password.

        where modulename is . for everything, common for the common pppoe/pptp source, pppoe or pptp for sources specfific to one of those, CHAP for chap stuff, documentation for the docs, or one of those values followed by the path to a specific file or directory, for instance:
        cvs co pppoe/pppoe.cp to checkout the main pppoe file or
        cvs co chap to checkout all the chap source or
        anything else you can think up

    For developer access:
    1. Install CVS and ssh (copy the binaries to /boot/home/config/bin)
    2. Open a terminal.
    3. Enter the following lines:

      export CVS_RSH=ssh
      export CVSROOT=:ext:sourceforge_username@cvs.beospppoe.sourceforge.net:/cvsroot/beospppoe
      export EDITOR=/boot/beos/apps/StyledEdit   if you're not comfortable with vi
      cvs co modulename

        For information on module names, see above.
      cvs ci local_file_name to check it into the source tree